Nick Lanza

Nick is a sophomore, a Motensen Scholar, and is majoring in Political Science. After Nick graduates, he wants to work as a community organizer to advocate for the needs and rights of underserved communities. Nick has spent many years in a variety of leadership roles. In high school, Nick served as class president, was selected to be E.O. Smith’s student representative on the Board of Education, and served on the Superintendent’s Advisory Committee. At UConn, Nick was named Vice-Chair of Programming, was elected Senator, and is President of the Human Rights club. Nick is also a Mentor at the Academic Achievement Center, works at the front desk in the Office of Student Services, and is an employee at iQuilt, a Hartford-based community organization. Nick loves cracking jokes at the absolute worst times and joined USG because he believes there is more we can do to ensure every student feels welcomed and supported at our campus.
Romina Flores Diaz

Vice President
Hala Douda

Chief of Staff
Shirali Padaliya

I am a second year UConn Hartford Student perusing a major in Management Information Systems. I work for the Academic Achievement Center as an Academic Coach, as well as Plan b Burgers in Glastonbury. I also enjoy serving as Treasurer for the USG at the Hartford campus. I am very grateful for the connections I made by being more involved. Aside from academics, I love working out and hanging out with friends on the weekends 🙂
Bhav Persaud

Chief of Communications
Areeb Masood

Chair of Programming
Sidratul Muntaha